Prayers of Praise for;
Camilla and Glen’s 17th wedding Sun shining
anniversary Camilla's Granddaughter's 1st birthday
Sara drove Fri test on Tues Thanks to those that trimmed trees
Prayers of concern for
Elestines sister Judy stage 4 breast cancer Grace - needs a miracle
Sylvia’s daughter Lynn fell in the store Troops leaving Afghanistan
Anna's – 3 yr. old with cancer Sipes family – Roland’s heart surgery
Dee’s friend Georgette in hospital – COPD Rich and Judy
Prayers for families in Florida condo Brittany – sprained her ankle
Sue , who is home doing better Unspoken
also prayers for Sue’s sister and Debbie Unspoken
Travel mercies for Sylvia’s son and family Abigail hospitalized with kidney problems
Pastor Rich and his new endeavors Jimmy
Jo – fell on Fri. Billie Jean and Kenny
Elestine's friend was killed i n an accident Warren
and his wife is in the hospital paralyzed Bob's wife Elaine passed
Edith Brian's father Roland passed at 92
Jarry A friends daughter-in-law with covid
Ashley moving, an adjustment for the family with blood clots in her lungs

1407 Main St.
P.O.Box 45
Woodside, De. 19980
Church office 302-697-7050
(leave message)
In case of emergency call:
Pastor Richard Walton
(410) 251-5593 (cell)
Pastor's email:

Sunday Morning services are at 8:30a.m. (traditional) and on Facebook LIVE.
And 10:30am (contemporary) presently not on Facebook LIVE.
Sunday School and Adult Bible study classes are canceled until further notice.
Communion service is the first Sunday of every month during both services.